Public toilets in South Korea to be checked daily for hidden cameras fitted by porn fiends


Staff member
I think there is something wrong with men. Not that I don't love them, but there is definitely something wrong with them.

There surely is.

If I was the male equivalent of a feminist I'd be pretty triggered right now.

Wonderfully sexist view there Joan.

A great many of us men think that spying on people is horrible also.

Jason Burns I know. But this is just so over the top. And it's always men.

Louis Brown didn't mean it to be nasty ' more of a WTF and why is it always men?

Pretty much every day I wonder WTF is wrong with men.

Joan Paton all you had to do is add "some" before you wrote men and this wouldn't even be a thing.

I can't imagine being more grossed out than watching a women do a number 1 or 2, but thanks for the generalisation.

Get ready, Joan! Soon “not all men” will arrive.

Inductive Logic 101- Hasty generalizations are considered fallacious logic. "an inductive generalization [is] based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables."


Yeah, Ive never once considered doing something like this. But thanks.

Oh you poor poor guys - getting generalized & stereotyped ?? Does it hurt your wittle feelings ?? Well WE women get generalized A LOT TOO !!!! Makes US tougher !!!

Joan Paton one more thing - where in the story did it say only men do this type of thing?

Joan- are you a bloke? You look like one.

Quite a blanket statement.

Stacy this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. With more cameras in the toilets there will be more security.

Joan it’s always men cause women aren’t that keen on tech.

I have been trying to look for any case of a women doing something like this. There isn’t one.

Cheyenne MK Bartle why would woman want to film woman in toilet? They can just visit the toilet and see for themselves.

Christine Parr makes you tougher? Not really, you women cry even more than the guys when it comes to such things. Being able to cry loudly is a requirement for being a feminist.

Watching someone on the throne is by far the least sexy thing I could possibly think of.

Public toilets in South Korea to be checked daily for hidden cameras fitted by porn fiends.JPG

Especially after spicy food.

Not on the Iron Throne...

And coming up next... Mike’s chocolate starfish and the unsettled tummy!

And you need to check the children’s bathroom in schools. Don’t think it’s happening? Think again.

You know China will want to reboot that movie too.

I have looked for poisonous spiders under the seat, but I have never looked for a spy camera. What is the world coming to?

This requires a vomitous emoji reaction.

Pretty sure that you can find ones already on the Internet so you don't have to do them yourself?

Are they filming the next season of Game of Thrones?

Define "public toilet". If it's a government run site like a public school or post office that's one thing. But if it's restrooms in every cafe, store and office building where people work, good luck with checking them all daily.