The Glycemic Index Foods List

One important element in Pre Diabetes diet is to reduce Blood Balance Formula Review intake of carbohydrates, sugar, fat and calories. It is important to include high fiber in the diet like fruits and vegetables such as spinach, turnip, lettuce, asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, celery, cucumber, broccoli, eggplant, onion and tomato. These foods improve digestion and sustain the blood glucose level at a stabilized status.

These provide adequate energy level to the body and help the person feel full even after a long meal has taken It is also important to include soybeans, garbanzo beans, kidney or pinto beans and split peas. in your pre diabetes diet. Fruits which are high in complex carbohydrates like grapefruits, dried apricots, oranges, prunes, pears, strawberries, plums and apples can also be included in the Pre diabetes diet.

If you don't like vegetables so much, you could also opt to fish, lean cuts of beef, pork loin, sirloin, chicken and turkey. Just take note that when you cook chicken and turkeys, make sure you remove the skin in order to stay away from excess fat which could further harm your body. When cooking, use olive oils and coconut oils, not only that they are organic but they can help you avoid risks from cardiovascular diseases and fat deposits in the body. Some other cooking oils may have high content of saturated fat promoting weight gain.