Signs and Symptoms of Hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia is a diabetes caused by low blood sugar in the human body. Prolonged fasting and a lower concentration of carbohydrates in the diet are some of the main causes of hypoglycemia. This silent killer is unpredictable and can occur at any time, even during our sleeping hours. If it is not taken seriously and is not treated, hypoglycemia can cause the patient’s death. The signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia vary according to the condition of diabetics. Some diabetics feel shaky, weak and dizzy due to hypoglycemia. It can stimulate nervousness and fainting in some other patients. Often, hunger is another sign of hypoglycemia.

People with this diabetes condition can constantly look for food due to hunger. The sound of a roar caused by the movement of gas in the stomach can be heard in some patients. This condition is medically known as purpurigmus. Hypoglycemia creates discomfort in the upper stomach and induces a tendency to vomit in patients. Patients with hypoglycemia may experience many emotional changes, such as passion and anxiety. The situation creates the problem of tongue twisting and difficulty speaking normally.

Hypoglycemia during the hours of nighttime sleep is dangerous due to hypoglycemia during the day. The patient here may not feel or know about the situation while sleeping. The formation of cold sweat, night mares, screams, confusion, irritability and exhaustion after waking up are some signs and symptoms that result from blood sugar at night. These signs and symptoms are formed to meet low blood sugar. Studies suggest that stress hormones such as adrenaline and the appearance of neurocytosis caused by low blood sugar in the brain are responsible for these signs and symptoms.

An increase in heart rate or tachycardia can be observed among some patients with hypoglycemia. If palpitations last longer, even after taking the medication, never hesitate to consult a diabetes specialist. In some cases, the patient’s pupil may appear dilated. The case of dilated pupil is medically indicated as mydriasis by doctors. Unclear double vision and bright vision lights are other common eye problems related to hypoglycemia. Low blood oxyhemoglobin induced by paleness is another symptom of hypoglycemia. Patients may exhibit behavioral changes such as anger and anger. Some patients feel that confusion or a tingling sensation affects blood sugar conditions.

Hypoglycemia can even lead to some neurological disorders such as ataxia and stroke in elderly patients. Ataxia stops muscle movements due to lack of coordination with neuronal cells. Patients with ataxia may seem drunk. Hypoglycemia leads to a stroke or paralysis in the body parts. In newborns, hypoglycemia creates the effect of shaking and sleep disorders. A certain type of hypoglycemia worsens the situation by forming an epileptic seizure.

As a result of this unexplained attack commonly known as epilepsy, the patient loses consciousness. Automatic behavior or automation characterized by the loss of self-control is another disorder that patients exhibit in this category. The high emotional stress caused by patients with blood sugar is tempted by memory loss or memory loss, especially in the elderly. The signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia vary with the age and severity of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can be managed well with proper medication by analyzing these signs and symptoms.