Pregnancy Stretch Mark Cream

How to get rid of acne scarsMany people have to deal with acne scars. Organixx Collagen Review Though many creams have been known to work, they typically leave behind discoloration where the full scars used to be. There are other remedies for this that could be explored; some of which include lemon juice, cucumber for oily skin, honey for dryer skin, and lavender oil has been known to be an excellent treatment, but be careful - lavender oil can cause reactions and burning of the skin with certain people.

Nail fungus, an infection characterized by disfigurement and discoloration of afflicted toes can be a very distressing infection indeed. It is one that has potential to open up for the nails - and the whole organ on which they are present (whether the leg or the hand), to a number of other even more horrifying infections. And it is an infection that, if left untreated for long, can lead to pain; and ultimately, to a total damage of the nail that is afflicted.

Thankfully, nail-fungus infection can be prevented, and here, we explore some of the ways to protect your toe nails from nail fungus infections. The first thing you can do, towards protecting your toe nails from nail-fungus infections is to make an habit of wearing well ventilated shoes. The truth of the matter is that if you take to wearing shoes that are not very well ventilated; you end up creating the type of environment that is just perfect for the nail fungus that will later come to haunt you to thrive.