Pizza Neapolitan: A Guide to the Iconic Dish of Italy

Pizza is a beloved dish enjoyed by millions of people around the world, and the Pizza Neapolitan is one of the most famous types of pizza. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Pizza Neapolitan and what makes it so special.

What is Pizza Neapolitan?

Pizza Neapolitan is a type of pizza that originated in Naples, Italy. This type of pizza is characterized by its thin, soft crust, fresh ingredients, and simple toppings. Pizza Neapolitan is widely considered to be one of the best types of pizza in the world.

The History of Pizza Neapolitan in Italy

Pizza Neapolitan has a long and rich history in Italy, with roots that date back to the 18th century. Over time, Pizza Neapolitan has become an important part of Italian cuisine and is now enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Today, Pizza Neapolitan can be found in many countries around the world, and it remains one of the most popular types of pizza.

How to Make Pizza Neapolitan in Italy

Making Pizza Neapolitan in Italy requires a great deal of skill and experience. The process starts with the dough, which is made from simple ingredients, including flour, water, yeast, and salt. After the dough has been made, it is topped with fresh ingredients, including tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings, and then baked in a wood-fired oven.

Where to Find Pizza Neapolitan in Italy

If you're in Italy and looking to try some Pizza Neapolitan, you won't have to look far. This type of pizza can be found in many pizzerias and restaurants throughout the country, particularly in Naples, which is considered the birthplace of Pizza Neapolitan.

In conclusion, Pizza Neapolitan is a beloved dish with a rich history in Italy. Whether you're a food lover or simply love pizza, Pizza Neapolitan is sure to please. So, the next time you're in Italy, be sure to try some Pizza Neapolitan and discover what makes this iconic dish so special.