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One Shot Keto “s going to affect those hormone levels. Plus, this patient was taking large doses of estrogen for at least five years for their, in their transitioning process. This patient also had silicone implants they had put in ten years before. So on our mammogram picture here we saw this area, in here. In that area. So we did an ultrasound. So what do you guys see in this picture? Not a lymph node. So, yes. So, it's yeah. So it's pretty circumscribed. Ah, hypervascular. It's fairly close to the nipple. You can see the nipple in this picture. Um, so anything in a male that looks like this is going to get a biopsy because you always worry about cancer. So we did a biopsy. Now in this patient, what this came back as, was a fibroadenoma. So in a male patient, I want you to start thinking about how does a male patient who does not have lobules or the [LEAVES] of a tree get a fibroadenoma? So think about that just for a moment. So when males, usually when thei