Natural Skincare Products Versus Synthetic Skincare Products

The truth of the matter is that anything organic and natural HydraLyft is healthier for us. This is just common sense. We are finding out that many of the chemicals we have routinely used in past years take a real toll on the planet and on our bodies. It is crucial that we all go green in some ways.

When you are looking for organic natural skin care, read the labels! Look online for products as they have to list the ingredients for you. Read them! Don't be fooled just because the marketing says they are organic or natural, there is a lot of latitude in those words. Just because they use 2% of an organic substance, doesn't make them fully organic or natural, but it does allow them to say they are.

Do your research and if you don't know what a particular ingredient is, look it up! We are educated consumers; we read labels on our food so why not on the products we put on our skin? Much like food, there is a lot of room for exaggeration. Take for example the use of the word wheat, just because a food says it has wheat in it, that doesn't mean it is healthy. We have learned how to decipher food labels, now it is time to decipher skin care labels.