Inserting and Removing Contact Lenses

The word Lasik is an acronym for the medical term iGenics "laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis". Keratomileusis is the process by which the cornea is reshaped to correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. In this process a "hinged" flap is created in the surface tissue of the cornea, then lifted out of the way during the corrective procedure. The flap is put back in place when the procedure is complete.

The European and Japanese pioneers believed the potential for corrective eye surgery existed, but their ideas did not move forward until the invention of the microkeratome by Spanish ophthalmologist Jose Barraquer, in the early 1950s. His instrument employs a set of tiny oscillating blades to create the corneal flap which measures just 100 to 200 micrometres. With keratomileusis now a reality eye surgery was ready for the next step.

Doctors from around the world studied and proposed various methods of corrective surgery, but none did much to advance the science that would eventually become modern Lasik. Then in the 1970s, a Russian doctor stumbled upon the answer quite by accident. What he learned proved the theory behind corrective eye surgery and paved the way for the introduction of lasers in ophthalmologic treatments.