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Knowing how to breathe while exercising is the key to performing well and not getting tired. And the above tips can be your guide of how to breathe properly when performing versatile exercises. Also, a proper breathing will help us control our emotions, and keep a clear mind. This is because our breathing is the connection between our body and mind and they both need oxygen in order to function well. It can also help us to ease stress and make us feel less anxious. So, taking the time to sit somewhere comfortable and take a deep breath in and out will definitely boost your mood.When the body stays busy the entire day by involving in various activities such as walking, gardening, exercising etc, the muscles in your body gets worked out including the neck muscles. Performing such tasks during the day keeps your body active and the muscles working. For instance, even small minor tasks such as washing your dishes can also help with the pain in your neck. The efforts that you put while bending down to get a dish from the cabinet, wash it and put a dish back in the cabinet all make your neck go through a series of motions to keep it in shape and pain-free.