Gestational Diabetes Guidelines For Pregnant Women

Type 2 diabetes is a condition suffered by millions Gluco Type 2 Review of people... old and young, fat and thin, rich and poor. It can lead ultimately to kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, blindness and even amputation if not addressed early. Fortunately, the treatment for Type 2 diabetes that is diagnosed early or predicted from pre-diabetic symptoms, is simple and affordable. Most Type 2 diabetics are insulin resistant. Their muscle cells don't recognize or absorb the insulin which is supposed to carry glucose or sugar into their cells and store it as energy.

As a result, the sugar remains in their bloodstream, causing blood sugar levels to skyrocket and the kidneys to go into overdrive. This causes unnecessary wear and tear on their system, which can ultimately result in failure of the renal system altogether. In addition, glucose that is not handled by insulin can often wind up being transformed into fat. These fat cells are also insulin resistant, making it yet harder for the body to properly handle glucose introduced into your system via the type of carbs you eat. For this reason, many Type 2 diabetics find themselves caught in a vicious cycle as their weight affects their diabetic condition which in turn affects their weight.

Exercise can help: Moderate exercise can be used to increase your insulin sensitivity. When exercise is undertaken, the energy stored in the muscles is expended, requiring refueling. In this state, the resistance that may have built up against insulin can be overridden by the muscles' need to access more energy, and insulin that is converting and carrying sugar into your cells, is accepted more readily.