Call for a ban on people eating dog meat in the UK


Staff member
Eating dog is no different to eating a cow or sheep or pig or rabbit or anything else. There is no justification for differentiating between different animals except for personal taste. I have eaten dog (in china) and it tastes like most other meats. There is however a bigger question here - is it right to take the life of an animal for no good reason except the personal pleasure of taste, in the first place?

Not when you're killing them Johnny. Try making your point without sounding like a 5 year old having an argument!! An animal is a living thing, domesticated or not.

I feel the same way about horses. What makes eating horse meat worse than eating cow meat?

I believe on something; either you eat everything or you eat nothing.

It’s very different as a dog is a domesticated animal, bred to trust and bond with its human master.

We are mammals, all mammals are animals. Do you draw the line at cannibalism?

I’m a vegetarian but even I would note there’s a difference between a domesticated pet and livestock. All animals have consciousness and the capacity to suffer and feel pain yes (which is why I don’t eat meat), but it also seems even more odd to consume something that was bred over countless generations to be a loyal house-pet.

That way you could actually justify cannibalism as well don't you? Why is worse eating human than animal? It's meat also isn't it? However we have ethics and laws and common sense not to do so. But for "personal pleasure" again .... why not? Of course we are one species but there are tribes for which it is completely fine. In the "civilized" world it is however banned and should be just as dog eating as well. Come on people they are the first ever domesticated animals bearing so much human characteristics as no other living being on this planet other than us. They should be respected not tortured!

UK law currently says if you humanely kill a dog you own, you can eat it.

Goood luck having a cow as a friend. It surely is fun and warn against perpetrators. Actually I heard one guys had his nipple bite off by a cow.

Call for a ban on people eating dog meat in the UK.JPG

Looking at all hypocrites who are saying eating dog is inhuman, eating dog is just as inhuman as eating chicken or any other animal. If you arr truly concerned, stop eating any animal, not just dog.

My poor dog just looked at me in shock when I read this out
😂 roasted rottweiler for dinner it is (joke b4 anyone goes nuts
🙄)I genuinely have never heard of anyone eating dog in this country x .