Vital Alpha Testo® What is Vital Alpha Testo? Read More!

Vital Alpha Testo we're worried about excessive, so above the UL. So, what's interesting is that no adults exceed the UL from foods alone. It's only from the use of dietary supplements, and this is by sex here, but you can see it's anywhere from about three to 12 percent depending on the nutrient. So, this is risk of excess. That's really different in children and let's talk about that next. So, this slide I'm showing you children two to eight years of age, users and nonusers separately. So, there's no differences in the dietary intakes of children as I mentioned in adults. Adults who used supplements already had better diets. That's not the -- excuse me. That's not the case in children. So, I'm trying to simplify now and just show you users and nonusers and the prevalence of inadequacy. There was no difference in whether or not children who