Viaradaxx I thought if I'm going through stress my pH would be more acid and enough stress actually makes your your pH more alkaline I just did a video on that so how do you do that apple cider vinegar on a regular basis that will help you guys okay there you go and we do have three questions coming up very soon guys don't leave late during the show don't want to miss this coming up later in the show yes three very interesting questions very interesting fascinating okay good hey what are your thoughts on celery juice love it love it yes hello juice says celery juice is really good to help support your cardiovascular system especially if I have high blood pressure if you can't sleep it's a call there's a certain calming nutrient in there it's good for a lot of other things but celery juice is also good for gout and if you have excessive uric acid and by the way care yeah uric acid yeah uric acid is is kind of associated with certain types of kidney stone kidney stones and also gout which is pain in the joints right but when people do keto and I F a lot of times they start