The phone calls I made to my dead daughter


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I’ve texted my mothers old cell phone on Mother’s Day for the last three years... someone politely texted back this year and said I’m so sorry you lost your mother I’m sure she misses you too. Much love
❤️ it’s ok with me if you do this every year. I was so grateful for that.

What a beautiful person. So so sorry for your loss xx.

This made me tear up.
So wonderful.
So sad.
So loving.

I’m so sorry
♥️ wishing you strength.

That is so sweet.

Awwww that makes me cry
😢 bless u both.

That is one beautiful person.

I was not expecting this! It made me cry but I'm so thankful for that nice person on the phone... my mom passed away in April and I still call her home phone once in awhile just so "mother" shows up on my call history.

I did call my son for weeks after his death, the pain of losing a child is like no other losses. No mater how old or how they died.

One of my best friends drowned when she was 24, a few months after her father passed away after a very long and difficult illness. She was so solar, friendly, caring ... All the she and her mum were looking after the father. They are both angels. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her mum multiple times before it all happened.

When Tamara died, I just couldn’t believe the cruelty of fate that had left her mother alone in such short time. I honestly thought she wouldn’t survive that.

I was so wrong. She was devastated, yes, but she ended up consoling all of us, her daughter’s friends.

I am telling you this because I want you, a stranger on the internet, to know that you mothers are amazing. And though no parent should go through this experience, if there’s anyone strong enough to come through it, it’s you. I wish you peace.

My grandad died suddenly 3 years ago, we were so close. I was with him when he had a cardiac arrest, I was 7 months pregnant, I’m a nurse, I did CPR on my own until the paramedics arrived but we couldn’t bring him back. I still can’t bring myself to delete his home number from my list of favourites. I talk to him a lot and wish he could have met his great grand daughter. Xx.

I did this when my dad died for ages after until the day someone answered the phone. My dad had a pay as you go and I guess after a certain amount of time they recycle the number. I still leave my mum messages on Facebook.

I do this with my auntie. Always messaging her on Facebook and telling her what is going on. She passed away over a year ago now.

I lost my dad last year and we have left his Facebook up and running so we can send him messages. We know he won't get them but I find comfort in doing it, I still tag him in my post, out of habit.
I like to go back and read his messages to me just before he passed especially when I told him I loved him and he said I love you too.

My father died when I was 11. Writing letters to him was my way of coping. It's been 28 years since he passed, sometimes it feels like it happened yesterday.

For years and years after my grandmother died, I would call her number. I knew she was dead, and I new she wouldn't answer, but something in me made me pick up the phone and dial. This was in the days of answering machines. She had never had one, so after seven or eight rings, I would hang up the phone and cry a bit.

I did the same to my mum for several years , text her loads. We all do things that comfort us . I have not done it for a couple of years now as I have come to terms with her going . I too was angry , angry at her that she left me ......awful to think that now , as she didn't want to die, she even told me what she wanted for christmas .Grief is a horrible thing to go through. Sometimes you just have to do your own thing. Everyone copes in different ways.

The phone calls I made to my dead daughter.JPG

I look at the pictures of loved ones who have died and start talking to them while crying. When I finish I get I good sleep.

When my son died I called his phone just to hear his voice. I didn’t leave messages. Thankfully we had a few home videos. One of them, the very first one, he was playing the fool. It cheers me up no end as I can’t help laughing when I watch it.

My mum passed this March aged 67 everyday I look at her messages on my phone and fight the urge to ring her number or txt her to tell her how my day went it's still so raw .I understand how you all feel xx.

I phoned my mum and left messages the first Christmas after she died as her phone was still connected. After her sudden illness and death 3 weeks and one day later, I just wanted to wanted to hear her voice again.

I call my dads phone still... I keep looking at his old text
messages too. Just miss him like crazy.

There’s no right way to grieve and to lose a child I can’t imagine the grief. What she did comforted her and that’s all there is to it.

I understand. When a friend died.....i used to need to leave messages on her whatsapp number though i knew she was dead. I needed to.

It happened to me too. I lost my grandmother ten years ago. When she died, I called her so many times... then I was terrified that she would answer, I laughed and cried at my self simultaneously.

We have our daughters last 2 text messages that without fail get resent to me and her dad every time we get a new phone . They have been passed on since 2001 . Don’t always look at them but so nice to have them there .

I called my mum a few times after she had passed on. She didn’t have a voice message but the thought of seeing mum dialled on my phone gave me a sense of relief. Thankfully, I also have a few voice messages she left me when she would try to call me just to check on me and how I was doing.

It's no different from going to the cemetery and talking to the headstone of a loved one. Grief is a part of love.

My dad died when I was 3 (19 years ago). I have nothing to remember him by other than photos.
😥 I can't remember his voice
😢 I wish I knew what he sounded like
💚 I miss and love him more than I could ever put into words.

I set up Facebook for my mum when she was sent to a hospital 177 miles away from us. It became a small lifeline during the week when I couldn't see her.
After she died suddenly, it took me a few weeks to remember I'd set it up but now I message her regularly and write on her wall.
It's 5 months today since she died and I've sent her a few messages. I know she's died because I was there with her, but find the fact I can 'contact' her a huge comfort x.

I have my dad's number in my phone, I have twice changed my number but I can't bring myself to not transfer his number over every time. I've not called it or anything but it gives me a kind of comfort having it there.

I message my friend on messenger. I know he can't see them, but I tell him how much I miss him and how sorry I am that we never got to see one another again. It's the saddest thing knowing that no one will ever read that message. Tell those close to you that you love them, as often as you can.

I still have my my Mum's phone and for a long time phoned just to hear her voice on her answer machine.

I completely understand where you are coming from. My dad passed away suddenly last June, and I miss him so much it hurts. I still have his number saved on my phone and quite a lot of messages shared. Every now and again I sit and read through them. Sometimes it feels like he is still here, then reality kicks in. Anyone who has not experienced grief like this wouldn't entirely understand, but you do whatever you can to help you cope. I always dream about my dad, it breaks my heart he is no longer here.