Spanish-speaking Taco Bell worker who turned away English-speaker has lost her job


Staff member
For those that are pissed of by this.

Now you know what it feels like when you tell people

"This is america... speak english".

79% of the US speaks American English as first language, which is a recognised language worldwide.

Also, 32 of 50 states recognise English as official language.

The United States federal government does not specify an official language; however, all official documents in the U.S. are written in English.

Also, English is the official language in aviation, science and business worldwide already so, I'd go ahead and learn English.

Safe to say the united states population predominately speaks English. No debate.

Why do we need multiple languages?
This is an extra layer of complexity that I feel is unnecessary.
We need a single universal language.

I took four years of Spanish in high school. I had a 104 average in Spanish II. I couldn't find a job in Orlando outside of the theme parks cuz my Spanish wasn't good enough. Racism definitely works both ways, ya'll.

That’s on you, boo. I have dozens of friends in the Orlando area that have nice paying jobs outside of the theme parks that speak zero Spanish.

A taste of your own medicine and can't handle it ...
I am not saying it's right what she's done but we live with other people making horrible comments about us not speaking "perfect" English so now you know what it feels like ....

I am surprised they found someone that spoke English. The dominant language is Merikan in that area.

Spainsh language “only” is very common in the Miami area. Truly, Miami is no longer a North American city, more like a South American city, not just language but culture also. I worked for Carnival, based in Miami, 20 years ago and it was like that then, no change since, it’s only worse. If you want the true American Experiance, you avoid Miami, Florida area.

Ohhh my god the horror.
🤨 Ridiculous that this is even a thing. How many spanish speakers have we marginalized in society because they cant speak fluent english. Sorry but I think there is more than likely a misunderstanding here born out of that language barrier. By 2050 we will all need to be spanish speakers.

Lol, I thought it was okay to turn away people because they don't speak American.

If the menu is in English....its reasonable to expect to be able to order in English.

Taco Bell did the right thing in firing this staff member.

I got let go from a mcdonalds in Florida for not being bilingual. It took too much time for me to grab someone to take their order in Spanish (I was the only one who didn't speak it) and maybe one out of every four customers would only speak Spanish to me. So I was screwed.

The issue was not about language. Language was a pretext; the clerk did not want to serve an African-American customer. She did not even try to understand her; most people in cross-language situations are at least gracious enough to do that. She clearly had no sense of what her job and the business depend on: good customer service. That, and her blatant racism, got her fired!

Why was she hired if she doesn’t speak english?

Plot twist: the employee was ethnically Korean.

The real focus of this event should be poor customer service attitude. This attitude is quite prevalent in the Miami area and when mixed with the discriminatory attitude prevalent among cultures it is more damaging.

Anyone watch the video? At the end the customer asked what is your name and the employee answered Louisa. Sure they didn’t understand.

If the lady ordered a taco belle grande, burrito or taco ect... surely this worker could understand this language ( which is on the menu).. it's not like a language barrier! Take her order already or be fired... like you have been!

"Alexandria Montgomery, the African-American woman", probably she did not want to serve to an African-American.
Some racially disadvantaged people behave other racially disadvantaged people worse then the " normal" people. Trayvon Martin was also shot by a Latino. It is like, being more royalist then the king.

This is not uncommon in greater Miami. I was often refused service there when I spoke English; staff suddenly became accommodating when I switched to Spanish.

I actually saw a "English spoken here" sign in a store.

Spanish-speaking Taco Bell worker who turned away English-speaker has lost her job.JPG

If English were made the official language of the US, this wouldn't be an issue. Knowing several languages is always a good thing, but we do need a set official language like most countries.
This story smells. I've lived in California all of my life, and a good portion of people speak English and Spanish to some degree in order to conduct commerce, unless you deliberately limit yourself.

When I've encountered a situation in which someone spoke limited to no English and Spanish, we worked through it and cross trained as it is in both our self-interests to do so.

Also, this is not limited to California. I've had similar experiences while working overseas, although the languages were different. People like to make a living, which requires trade. Trade requires communication. I highly doubt that someone would self-limit like this.

Had Taco Bell once... it's great for weight loss.

An eye for an eye! If Americans are doing it to the Latin America community, then they are right to retaliate!

That's a whole lot of conversation that took place during this encounter for someone not being able to comprehend English.

This should be turned into a commercial, bring back the Taco Bell Chihuahua, the lady pulls through the drive thru, refused service, commercial ends with "Yo quiero Taco Bell!"

Taco Bell is in danger of losing its Michelin stars at this rate.

The employee spoke very little English, and wasn’t even proficient enough in Spanish to negotiate a Taco Bell menu for a paying customer. Her dismissal was probably well overdue.