Radiant Farms Keto machines restructure.

Radiant Farms Keto You mentioned restructuring, and that means that you'll, when we think of H2O, we think of this little molecule of H2O, but that's not it, they're all jumbled together. - Right, so because of their polarity, they're attracted to each other. And if you think about it, water clumps. I know it's wild to think of it, but it's like it gets in these large molecules, and you're asking that large molecule to pass through a tiny cell membrane. So when you structure water, you pull it apart, you keep it in individual molecules, and it's
Radiant Farms Keto okay, I know my stomach needs acid to digest the food. So would drinking water, through a machine or not, is that a wise thing to do before or after a meal? - Yeah, it's the biggest challenge when you're drinking structured or alkalinized or Kangen water is because it is more alkaline, you don't wanna drink it while you're eating foods, because you can neutralize the acidity in the stomach, and that's gonna create a problem with digesting proteins and fats and carbs. There's another reason why we have a hard