New Zealand bans sales of homes to foreigners


Staff member
Our government, is rubbish, no immigration control, all of our jobs, houses, and money are getting wasted. Not to be rude but In 1980s there was control and now there isn’t. Future generations won’t get jobs because the UK Is filling up with foreigners day by day. We will be the ones ending up homeless and they aren’t

I live in the UK. Please point out the areas that are 'basically sharia law' so I know to let my girlfriend know that she needs to put her burka on when we go there.

I’m spanish, I’m a computer engineer, I’m working in the UK. And maybe In two years I can afford a house better than yours, cheers mate, you make me laugh.

The plan is to make sure New Zealanders can afford to buy a home.

Lets be clear, as a Brit reecently arrived in NZ; the country is beautiful and you can(could) buy a lovely home here BUT that is the only pull. Its remote. Its expensive. Its unfriendly. Its dangerous. Its a flippin long way from anywhere. It is deluded to blame immigrants for the expensive rents ( most kiwis I meet are landlords- go figure) If you wish to plug the skills gap you need to let people own a home! If NZ wants to do without immigrants then that's their choice. Please go ahead without the doctors, nurses, engineers etc. You cant have it both ways. I get that Auckland has an issue with one particular category of home owners but this blanket ban is going to deter the very people the country wants to attract in the long run.

NZ, Unfriendly??? Dangerous???
Sorry, fundamentally disagree with you.

If you live there as a resident you can still buy a property. Regardless of nationality. This is to stop non residents buying property. Did you read the article?

I realised we can’t take your comments seriously as soon as you said unfriendly and dangerous. Let’s just ignore this one shall we folks?

New Zealand bans sales of homes to foreigners.JPG

That's fine. I stand by what I said. Never before experienced such racial tension & bias. Never before needed to have safety warning apps. Never before lived with tsunami paintings on the streets. Its an observation. Many occurrences of self delusion. No one country has it right but NZ needs to seriously rethink this law. Owning a nice house here was the only 'draw' . Time again, given the new legislation we would have said no thanks.

This ban is only for NON-resident foreigners, not immigrants. They are going to NZ to be doctors, engineers, etc., to serve the NZers.

Did you even read the article?

With such a horrible view of NZ I can only assume you are being be forced against your will to stay. If that was the UK we would be called racists.

if only they did this in the uk!

Funny many people here saying that it should happen in England but from what I know many Brits retire and buy houses in other countries and go live there, double standards?