make the decisions and in physical matters the wife should make decisions so how does that work out I need physical decisions like isn't like having s

Primal Grow Pro me because of the contractual nature of marriage that it it there's almost like an effort to strip away any sense of authority that a guy might have and therefore discourage marriage altogether whether it's Jewish or otherwise but do you see is there is there sort of a default understanding that a man has Authority in in like hey we were just talking about headship but that is there a default understanding for say Jewish women to say you're the husband so therefore you are the authority in the house so in most

Primal Grow Pro make the decisions and in physical matters the wife should make decisions so how does that work out I need physical decisions like isn't like having sex or is not like babies or is that you know my rabbi made a joke he said so really picking out your furniture could be a spiritual decision if you look at the talent you know if a husband should decide you know where where the family is gonna go to synagogue where they're gonna pray which wrap either going to associate with with things like you know what's for dinner that's obviously that's that's a wife's realm and she's good at that you know on step on her toes and you don't