'I'M SORRY' What hero MP Tobias Ellwood told PC Keith Palmer as he closed dead officer’s eyes following Westminster terror attack


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I hope if anything ever happened to my friends or family that someone as calm, trained and brave as Tobias is around. Amazing really as he lost his own brother in similar circumstances.

Let's be grateful to all those who put themselves in harms way to protect others. From our amazing police force, special service personel, ambulance/ paramedics and nurses. To those members of Parliament and the extrodinary members of the public who went to the aid of others without regard to their own safety . All i can do is say THANKYOU!! X.

I was just watching 'Bodygaurd' last night, second episode, and was basically thinking to myself towards the end of the episode 'oh thank god that doesn't actually happen that often in reality'. Seeing this today gave me a start. I am shocked. Was it an attempt on the lives of MPs?

EDIT: Thanks to the people who informed that this is about last years attack on Westminster Bridge - somewhat of a relief! I had skipped the sub-titles and went to the main body of text. ¬_¬ Silly me.

Do you mean army medic? Someone else might’ve mentioned this but on his wiki never went to medical school was in the army as a medic maybe but that’s not medically trained at all
Bit misleading. They’re fairly qualified in helping people but he never went to medical school
Went to business school has an mba . Very sad for that person who died and Awful for family.

An army medic is medically trained. They save countless lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, Northern Ireland, I could go on. He’s medically trained. Do you mean he’s not a civilian doctor? Because that’s also of no consequence.

A decent man. Perhaps he could give some advice to Boris. This Mr Johnson is how a decent human being behaves.

Mr Ellwood deserves our respect, he stood up and tried to save the PC despite the fact a further attack could have happened. Few people realise the trauma this leaves behind in the form of PTSD. God bless him for doing his utmost to help this poor PC.

Ex serviceman using his training skills great to see I think he deserves propper recognition.

Thanks for trying. If more of us rushed forward instead of running away.......... xxx.

Very easy to say when not in the situation, I find. Total respect to this guy but please take note he was a trained serviceman, civilians are not!!!

Carys Morgan. As a Registered Nurse I would be more than happy to have been treated by Tobias.

I would take great comfort in knowing that someone I was trying to protect did their upmost to try and save me.
Tobias you are a shining light in a dim pool, if only more MP’s were like you, we would have a parliament to be proud of.

Courageous, great guy Tobias Elwood...

The MP did his best. I bet that haunts him.

If i was ever to meet this man i would shake his hand. Because imho he has shown what it is to be human xx.

you tried your best mate ,well done.

Does any body read the article befor commenting? Or are our memories that short?!

last years news.

'I'M SORRY' What hero MP Tobias Ellwood told PC Keith Palmer as he closed dead officer’s eye...JPG

Seiji Hansen this really is heroism. He put himself into a dangerous situation only to help others. That makes him a hero.

Could someone tell me what a PC is? I'm American and not familiar with that term.

A true hero in a frightening situation.

Shame we are to have an inquest for a dead terrorist, save the money and give it to the families, emergency services and charity of Mr Ellwood's choice.

And he whispered to the cop at least my government won't need to worry about increasing your pay.

Politicising this story is absolutely detestable on your part.
I don’t care if you’re a police officer, firefighter, shop worker, or an MP... when everyone else is running from danger, and you run toward it to save someone’s life, you should be commended, not chastised.