Ultra KetoXBurn not even vegetables for these first two days. Using more vegetables than fruits is ideal since fruits have a lot of sugar. 4 glasses for women and 6 for men are the recommended consumption. During the day drink water, herbal KetoXBurn teas and no tea, mate or coffee, to favor detoxification. How long : between one and two days. If it takes longer, there are health risks. It's days is already considered an extreme fast. 10 day protein diet Credit: Pixabay To lose 3 to 10 kilos (depending on overweight). What it is: a food plan based on eating foods that practically contain protein and are low in carbohydrates. It works because hydrates are foods that provide a lot of energy and, if not consumed, tend to remain accumulated in the body in the form of saturated fat. Instead, proteins are nutrients with great satiety power that also promote the metabolism to accelerate and burn more calories. The principle,.