you want a quicker method take your current body weight in pounds and times it by 14 or 15. Roughly this will be your maintenance level of calories. To burn fat take away 300-500 from this number and consume those num VidaGenex Keto Burn ber of calories each and every day for a week. Weigh yourself to see if you have dropped weight and burnt fat to ensure this number is accurate. To make this work you will need to track your calories for a week or make a small diet plan of meals you can consume and the number of calories in each meal. This is a great method as once written down you will always have a plan to refer back to which states the number of calories in each meal. Other great ways to burn fat:

Exercise. Daily Exercise and cardio are great for burning away fat and helping you hit a calorie deficit for the day. Cardio will burn calories when performed and will help to raise your body's metabolism throughout the day. Regular cardio is great for your body, heart, lungs and health. Although it looks and probably feels like a whole lot of hard work the benefits are worth it. Cardio will also help you feel more energized and focused throughout the day as well as improving your mood and sleeping patterns.