Nature Clarity Keto OK basically supportable better trust it I think not exactly were less definitely uncommon red meat and less chicken and fish than were eating before well you can change your taste buds I understand that is what people trust it is profoundly impossible I could ever give up steak or it is exceptionally far-fetched I could ever yet you can start to change your taste buds and kind of modify that that is a the truth isn't it right and not imagining that you're not I think we all in all we all in all have tendencies OK we do and that is okay that is what makes us kind of unique individuals and individuals yet the what you're depicting is the likelihood that there's an I was going to express there's a name for that in light of the fact that there's a name for everything it's flexitarian move subsequently that if in spite of all that you expected to have a steak or fish or whatever it might be you could regardless do that yet the likelihood that the base of your eating.