Ultra fast keto boost yeah so it's easy to stay off it to begin with then try to get off it now you know what I mean yeah I never curious enough to try shit I ain't trying not him yeah I don't try nothing I not told people all the time they you can get hard for you need to move around you have bigger problem than you think that's just how I see it yeah I don't see you having sex with one woman are you you have erectile problem now if you wanna be greedy and run around cuz I know that I know a lot of man that do that they they wanna run around and they don't even have stamina to do it but they still they've chased off every fucking skirt you know once a look on yourself it looks close to be a female they go yeah it's like like they can't keep calm it's like you know and still you you don't have no stamina you still can get hard but you chasing down five woman that's the part of it that's that's done me man yeah just stop being a player for a minute then I'll see what and concentrate are your woman yeah you keep chasing shit that that you can get then you know when you come on you know I don't know you know I've no stamina to get what you really supposed to be going after you understand yeah so just slow it down man