pro vita keto If you are feeling bored, sad, angry or frustrated, see if you can sit with that feeling for even fifteen or thirty seconds without eating, that may be enough time for you to locate the thought causing the feeling (a feeling is ALWAYS caused by a thought). If you still feel like eating after sitting a while with your thoughts and feelings, go ahead, go to town--you've already extracted the real benefit from the exercise: dis-identifying from your thoughts long enough to observe them. When practiced consistently, the thoughts surface and food starts to lose it's emotional charge.Observing your thoughts, you may discover that what you really want is something like entertainment, love or approval. Food is a very poor substitute for any of these things. How do you know? Because after you're done eating, you still have not satisfied your emotional hunger, so the next time the real need or want arises you ignore it and eat, repeating the cycle ad nausea until the buttons start popping off your blouse, and not in a sexy Pussycat Dolls kind of way. Filling yourself up with the very things you truly want and need is the only real solution to this situation.