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You ought not utilize OPANA on the off chance that you are unfathomably imperfect to it, or in the event that you have: veritable asthma or breathing issues; or a blockage in your stomach or coordinating plots. To ensure this system is okay for you, tell your focal idea ace in the event that you have ever had: heart issues, long QT issue (in you or a relative); breathing issues, rest head injury, cerebrum tumor, or seizures course of action or liquor abuse, or mental maladjustment liver or kidney trouble pee issues; or issues with your gallbladder, pancreas, or thyroid. In the event that you use opiate sedate while you are pregnant, your youth could get subject to the fix. This can cause risky withdrawal signs in the adolescent young adult youth after it is envisioned. Infant kid kids brought into the world subject to opiates may require clinical treatment for a mammoth piece of a month. Make the central advances not to chest feed. OPANA can go into chest milk and cause languor, breathing issues, or going in a nursing infant kid young adult kid juvenile youth.