Alpha testo boost x
sabotage what the Lord wants to do in people's lives Bart's going to hell so uh so uh thank you guys for having me back thanks for hanging out with me at lunch and sitting and talking with me and whatnot so bouncing from where we were before in in Scripture there's a moment in scripture where they are questioning Christ about divorce and remarriage and and John Paul the second begins theology of the body pretty much at this moment and so oh I was gonna say somebody pointed out that I wore a shirt that looks just like the background so I'm just a floating head see I didn't plan it that's awesome and also I is it ready I was going to have them put up my information is that can I do that now maybe oh there you go if you guys I don't work with Catholic men's fellowship I don't know I didn't give any permission to put that up there way to go jerks and so anyway my number my email address and my website those are all up there for you guys I was gonna say like we won't I'll be around till 4 o'clock but we won't all be able to talk but if I can