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Addiction to Hydrocodone is very common and enhanced usage is being noted as a growing trend. This is on a large scale due to the easy availability of this drug. It is often consumed with other drugs that are not harshly restricted and these mixtures usually come in the form of pain killers that are prescribed by doctors. Some of the basic preparations that are used are Vicodin and Lortab. Medications Inclusive Hydrocodone can come in tablet, capsule or syrup forms and all preparations are taken orally. In its pure form, it is very hard to attain, because of its addictive nature. The Indication of addiction is anxiousness to take the drug and the need to take more of the drug to get the intended effect. To feed their addiction, many addicts go from doctor to doctor faking the severity of a condition in order to receive the medication. Some resort to criminal behavior Like this as breaking into pharmacies to steal the medication or forging a prescription. After prolonged usage, Hydrocodone begins to control the brain to make itself the highest primacy. This makes the Addictive compelled to use the drug to gain Enjoyment from it.