Geraint Thomas just needs to roll over the finish line in Paris on Sunday to win the 2018 Tour de France


Staff member
Not Britains....he's WELSH!!

Want some fish to go with your chip?

Funded by British cycling, a product of the British cycling system, supported by British cycling fans, as opposed to the Welshmen jumping on the bandwagon who had never heard of him a few weeks ago. A BRITISH cyclist if ever there was one.

And as a collective we make up Great Britain, making those who come from here, British.not the hardest concept to grasp.. I assume you mean he's not an Englishman, which I'm sure he, as a Welshman would most likely agree.

Fish....1st plaice please Graham Love.

Martin King on a personal basis, Welshman first I'm sure, says this Ulsterman but when competing as part of a British team, then he's there as a British man not a Welshman..

Geraint Thomas just needs to roll over the finish line in Paris on Sunday to win the 2018 Tour...JPG

Martin King wait, did you just agree with me in some sort of civil fashion, thats not how facebook works.. Surely we have to do the circular arguments bit first, when that fails, then we call each other names and point out which of us is the more stupid off the two.. Have you not done this before, watch everyone else, I'm sure they'll show ya how.

He must be using the best performance stimulants this year! Great result, so please for a genuine nice guy G. And Froome keeps his dignity and lives to fight another day! Result

Brilliant epic tour loved every minute! Excellent win and Froomy on the podium too. Congratulations G what a hero n xx.

Well done G!!!!! What a brilliant performance from him the last 3 weeks!!!

He's gone from being, "Welshman", to "Britain's". Well done BBC.

I'll give you 5/1 on steroid masking. 10/1 on blood doping.

Yesterday he was welsh today he's British !

Everytime an English person wins I've always heard them called British.But you don't hear many whinging about it. We should all be glad it's a Brit winning. And they keep saying he will be the first Welsh cyclist to win,where are they saying he's not Welsh.