Make it so leader can set a minimum total for clan members to get rewards ... For example on a 4000 point total we set target of 2000 each member .. If member doesnt reach leaders target they get NO rewards.
Maximum mmeber don't finish there own only 50/100/200 and take full advantage..that's not pressure is on sm players .I think supercell should make small decision,that at least 50% point should make by each member to get full advantage.
You should really remove the trophy parameters for those with high trophies. Let us also have the abandoned bases down in Gold or Crystal league pop up for little to no trophy gain. I hate having to drop trophies to find those bases and it is why I never raid anymore. I’m TH12 and get constantly pushed back into champion league where there are long searches to find bases not even worth messing with. My time would be better spent FINDING the base I’m after than searching and searching. Most people don’t have long stretches to sit and play.
🤷🏻♀️ I’ve been a Clash player from the beginning. This is probably the most frustrating part of the game.
I've lost more interest in this game cause of the attack searches. There's times I wait over a 1 min for a battle.
We have 9 members in our clan and missed out on several tier VI rewards while people who have 50 clanmembers already got it easier and get rewarded more...the least give us a chance to earn more then 4000 points if the clan is too small.
The wall ring is retarded to begin with! Not to mention that the game gets really stale after you reach th10! Raiding is useless and there's no point in doing anything because you basically need to pay up to go anywhere after. Let's not forget about the week wait for any kind of upgrade... how in the hell does a builder bang on a glass elixir storage with a hammer for a week and not break it!?!
switch back archer towers to their previous skin. They all look of same level covering that fu***ing Green Banner!!
What kind of rule is that?? If i type
wrong digits 3 or 4 time supercell login i can't log in for next 24h...!!! REALLY?? Now i can't do the clan war...and soon i will get kicked out of my something!!...kick the rule out...or i can't do the war and our clan will lose the war because of me...!!
We want electro drag and rage event.. Electro drag so costly . Training time is to high.. Plz decrease elec drag train time and also increase speed of moving of elec drag.
I was waiting for a book of building bcz my th is ready to max. Now I can upgrade my th easily. Coc should introduce a new chart of top attacks and the top 10 players should be awarded gems or books.
Clan games should be what ever points you earn is what tiers you can take from, fed up with some players only getting 50 points and collecting all the tiers, it’s unfair on other clan members that get max points,needs to change to make it fair,and players that pop in do a challenge when you have completed clan games then leave and collect all the tiers is so wrong,come on supercell make all players work hard for all the tiers in clan games, and stop this freeloading up for players do nothing to contribute
Maximum mmeber don't finish there own only 50/100/200 and take full advantage..that's not pressure is on sm players .I think supercell should make small decision,that at least 50% point should make by each member to get full advantage.
You should really remove the trophy parameters for those with high trophies. Let us also have the abandoned bases down in Gold or Crystal league pop up for little to no trophy gain. I hate having to drop trophies to find those bases and it is why I never raid anymore. I’m TH12 and get constantly pushed back into champion league where there are long searches to find bases not even worth messing with. My time would be better spent FINDING the base I’m after than searching and searching. Most people don’t have long stretches to sit and play.

I've lost more interest in this game cause of the attack searches. There's times I wait over a 1 min for a battle.
We have 9 members in our clan and missed out on several tier VI rewards while people who have 50 clanmembers already got it easier and get rewarded more...the least give us a chance to earn more then 4000 points if the clan is too small.
The wall ring is retarded to begin with! Not to mention that the game gets really stale after you reach th10! Raiding is useless and there's no point in doing anything because you basically need to pay up to go anywhere after. Let's not forget about the week wait for any kind of upgrade... how in the hell does a builder bang on a glass elixir storage with a hammer for a week and not break it!?!
switch back archer towers to their previous skin. They all look of same level covering that fu***ing Green Banner!!
What kind of rule is that?? If i type
wrong digits 3 or 4 time supercell login i can't log in for next 24h...!!! REALLY?? Now i can't do the clan war...and soon i will get kicked out of my something!!...kick the rule out...or i can't do the war and our clan will lose the war because of me...!!
We want electro drag and rage event.. Electro drag so costly . Training time is to high.. Plz decrease elec drag train time and also increase speed of moving of elec drag.
I was waiting for a book of building bcz my th is ready to max. Now I can upgrade my th easily. Coc should introduce a new chart of top attacks and the top 10 players should be awarded gems or books.
Clan games should be what ever points you earn is what tiers you can take from, fed up with some players only getting 50 points and collecting all the tiers, it’s unfair on other clan members that get max points,needs to change to make it fair,and players that pop in do a challenge when you have completed clan games then leave and collect all the tiers is so wrong,come on supercell make all players work hard for all the tiers in clan games, and stop this freeloading up for players do nothing to contribute