Canzana CBD Oil Male Enhancer Scam & Benefits

Canzana CBD Oil that could be something yeah it's the B vitamins and or this sea salt so plug those in and you're going to find the transition into this is going to be much cleaner without symptoms so try to try to do that day and thanks for your call awesome all right now Lisa you're from California you had a question about Candida right yes hi hi but yeah I've been doing hito since June and I the other health issues with chocolate for I have Lyme disease and so it's more complicated with food allergies and such but my question is I have I was key to adapted for a while and then because of the Lyme disease I went on antibiotics and I went on them for 30 months and I was doing pretty good and I was even doing probiotics but then when I stopped taking the antibiotics went on to a different regimen which is not antibiotics for my Lyme disease I noticed that I was having issues with Candida so I'm I've been really trying to address that but with keto I I'm really and I've been off the antibiotics for about five weeks about six weeks but I'm not key to adapted I'm always hungry I'm only do two meals a day usually sometimes three meals a day but at least five to six days a week I do two meals a day and I intermittent fast for at least 18 hours but I'm not able to get key to adapted and I'm really hungry for my volume I've been eating more and I'll eat a meal and I'm still hungry yeah I want to be okay okay so I think what's going on Lee says that you took an antibiotic it killed off the good and bad bacteria and now you just are deficient in in flor