Canzana CBD Oil Male Enhancer Scam & Benefits

Canzana CBD Oil his environment that he's in this this harsh UV environment his lifestyle I didn't really look aftehis skin he didn't have protection for his skin and then I'd impacted some pathology and and susceptibility with his genes so you know we operate in a post to truth environment right now unfortunately but I'm going to try to lay down some truths that we have most of us start off with different genes unless widentical twins the genes that we do have that's a foundation but they can be impacted by our environments as well as our lifestyles and this is really one thing that you know I feel that gets overlooked in the gene environment interaction field every individual is unique and because of the gene environment interactions but that is also as a temporal feature to it so that's dynamic I gave you an example that yes I used to be this individual that would have a couple of drinks and now I was this individual running that that's a dynamic environment and so therefore at different stages in our lives we may respond differently to therapies and that can have important clinical implications so the problem is as the clinical problem is how do we treat each person at each point in their life optimally does it make financial sense you know can we really do that with everyone in this room that is different should we tailor doses or treatment strategies strategies uniquely to each individual can we do that and can we do that in a safe and effective manner and one of the you know that the solutions gets a lot of hype and I'm sure there's bee