Boris Johnson lays into Theresa May’s Brexit plan saying it is a victory for EU


Staff member
He had his chance; he ran away and now he's back with his pot shots with no accountability.

Wasn't that the point of Brexit - to disentangle Britain from the EU? If you want to keep the benefits of being in the EU, you should stay put. If you want out of the EU, then you're going to have to give some stuff up. Can't have it both ways. (I'm not a Brit - this is just an outside observation.)

I quite agree Harold. We should walk away from the EU totally.

Totally agree, the reason why we just won't leave it because the gravy train is far to rich. That's why the political drive to leave is zero. That is why the term 'soft brexit' was coined. Nowhere on my vote did it state we would have different levels of leaving. It was stay or go. People who voted leave knew that meant putting the cake down and creating are own cheesecake.

For those unfamiliar with the term gravy train or cake - that means a strong economy, financial security and stability. Brexit - I think unelected elite (even though they’re actually elected) in Brussels are ruining my life, along with all those people who come here and work (p.s. the only one to blame for sad lives is the ones living it). All you have to do is look at the areas/demographic of Brexit areas and it explains most things.

Don't be silly, that's too logical
;-) For some reason Brexiteers thought we could have our cake and eat it and that the EU would just let us do it because we wanted to.

No, it didn't have different levels of leaving, but we also had people telling us that leaving the EU didn't mean leaving the single market.

Fact is, too many people have too many different views of what leaving entails and, thus, it's a complete mess because, like it or not, we're a big part of the EU project. We are the EU. You can't leave that which you are.

The point of the referendum was for the Tory Party to shamelessly use the country to solve its own internal divisions over the EU once and for all. It backfired spectacularly and left us in this huge mess. Cameron and his party needs sending to the Tower!

Tony Marques It’s not as simple as that though, our financial gain can’t be fully calculated. The figures of what we put in vs directly what we get out doesn’t take into account the economic, tourism and labour benefits for a start. Brexit may end up being good for us economically long term, it’s possible. But we were unprepared to leave. It’s a rush job, we should have waited till we had more information and more of a plan.

The "gravy train" as you put it is people's employment. What are you going to tell them when they disappear, "it's a small price to pay"?

Can't believe there is still no plans in place that silly cow May needs to go, we voted for Brexit just bloody get it sorted.

Which Brexit did you vote for? What does Brexit mean?

Boris Johnson lays into Theresa May’s Brexit plan saying it is a victory for EU.JPG

You voted for Brexit, half the country didn't and by the way I don't think anyone voted for a no deal Brexit that will ruin the future of this country. So tired of this whole thing ...

I would have thought Johnson and co would have had some plans in place before they led the nation blindly into this mess.

Brexit wouldn't be my choice if I were British in Britain, instead of British by heritage in Canada. That said, if the Leave members of the government really expected to win , why aren't any of them leading the government? Mrs May was on the Remain side of the campaign.

Remind me who was Foreign Secretary for two years at the heart of the Brexit negotiations? If Boris Johnson could see a way of making Brexit work, why on earth did he not push it when he was in government? The government was and is clearly desperate fro such a plan.

We were never going to get anything from leaving.the eu own all the cards we've never had anything other than money to play with.a hard Brexit or no Brexit is our only options.

Has Boris outlined - in detail, not just the usual headline grabbing spin, - an alternative including the assessment of the impacts of the proposal? No? didnt think so. How can we allow this bunch of clowns govern us? Can anyone tell me - and I have been asking for over 2 years now - what are the tangible, evidence based advantages of leaving the EU? Apart from the tax advantages for the very wealthy - including these politicians.

I didn't vote for a shambles of a deal. I voted out!! If the government had started article 50 and just got on with setting up trade agreements for after the 2 years, we wouldn't be in this situation!!

They should just have a revote on this brexit pretty sure people not going to want it anymore.

That is probably because there is 'diddly squat' to get from any Brexit deal.

He actually thought we would get something positive from Brexit?

What does it matter what back benchers like Johnson and Mogg say? They shouldn't get any more influence than the 48% who didn't want any Brexit.

Brexit is a self inflicted gun shot wound.

Britain does get something from Brexit. It's called isolation!!

Boris for PM.

Shhhhh Boris - Grown ups are talking.

He’s scheming away with the ERG to ensure no other deal than crashing out is done. That’s certainly NOT what the majority of people voted for, whichever way you spin it.