Body Building A grain of psychic ductility

If we are going to approach a mental resistance to fragile training as a science, we must know exactly what we are going to be. We need a definition that is precise, scientific and operational, and not just a loose collection of abstract features. Take trust, for example. We all know, when we see him. Or that we do, yes. But can you take people in the lab and measure trust? No motivation?No. Elasticity. Unfortunately not. All these features are great and worth pursuing, but they are imprecise, slippery and ultimately unmeasurable. This is why so many features related to Mindset are called "intangible assets". It's hard to know if you really need them or if you only have to them once in a while, or if you have them more or less than them than it was yesterday. This is a deadlock where some people throw themselves in their hands and say that mental stamina can not be trained. A grain of psychic ductility But what if there were no basic psychological parameters, ductility could be measured? Features that are fundamentally physical and that underlie all these intangible assets. What if there were qualities that wanted the train as accurately as training strength, speed and mobility? Well, everybody's lucky day because they exist. Two parameters that create mental tracts are high, dominate and low stress. At first glance, these classes may seem as intangible as any other. But these real, physical and measurable lives in the form of Dxn Code Strike Male bodysterone (the hormone of dominance) and cortisol (stress hormone). Recent research from Harvard and Columbia1 confirms that the qualitative parameters associated with the "alpha" personality - the feelings of power, risk tolerance, leadership skills (in our language, mental tractability) of the reader primarily from the level of these two hormones. When Dxn Code Strike Male bodysterone levels are high and cortisol levels are low, people work well under pressure. They show all the qualities that we want to combine with the mental disorders of ductility. When the recipe is reversed, because you hit the opposite: poor performance, sex and torn nerves.A grain of psychic ductility You have your own laboratory When someone tells me, "You can not train your mental endurance," it always feels a bit strange. It is as if someone approached a strength trainer and said: "You can not train strength. Either you have it or you do not. "Can you imagine an alternative reality in which people somehow did not discover strength training, where everyone just has to deal with the force that was born of? I would not like to live in such a world. Truth? It's not enough for me to say all this.


