Australian MPs condemn Fraser Anning for 'final solution' Muslim ban speech


Staff member
Then go back to where you came from. Australia belongs to the aborigines.

The Europeans made Australia into something not the aboriginals.

Daniel Perrott ‘made Australia into something’?! Yeah, a jail originally!

Hardly surprising. Many in the EU have been sailing closer and closer to nazi rethoric. We're getting very close to 1920s Germany across many countries. All those memorials and promises never to forget then everyone forgets.

Outcry after this politician used the phrase "final solution" in a call for immigration restrictions based on race.

Australia isn’t beholden to the EU.

& Trump is helping to push the rhetoric!!

It's closer to Orwells 1984. Which is why I oppose a blanket burka ban. The government can dictate what I wear? Horrifying.

I know what this guy said was based on the 40s but my point was that across Europe is looking like Germany in the 1920s. If it keeps up we will end up in the 40s. The fact Australia is trying to push into the 40s is even more worrying but not surprising.

Australian MPs condemn Fraser Anning for 'final solution' Muslim ban speech.JPG

Nineteen people voted for this bigot! See how easy it is to get into our Parliament!!!

Great man.

BBC readers yesterday: I'm sure he was just a confused motorist who didn't mean to run people over and smash into a security barrier, it was obviously an accident.

BBC readers today: This Australian MP is obviously a Nazi.

These people could literally come out and say "ok fine, we're nazi's" and really mean it, and still people would say "well, I don't think that's what he meant. It was sarcasm. It was just a joke."

Hey, Hitler reincarnated as an Aussie MP. How interesting.