Androxene- Reviews Price Scam Work Warning Alert

Androxene right I Lancel Florida can assist you with this one okay I'm so sorry for that what happened is it the is it the beeps that are like confusing us here because the beeps could sound like Boop's you know what I mean like anytime there's a beep it could easily just be a simple loop and if you're able to fix that like a 9-volt battery or maybe some you know oh hello nobody listen going to provide you our order page that is the best thing you have an award on sir I think you with it there's an order fish yes so is my fish that takes away your eight an order face face it'll take my order I just heard it beep again I I can assist you with this come sir just beeped again but I'm so sorry what's an order face an honor thing order beat you weren't trying to say otter face is that what you're trying to say okay both men you thickened Elena teeth okay thank youhello my people and welcome to the eighth episode of the true laude show featuring me your host true laude yours truly the truest sometimes the loudest that's right we are at Episode eight that's as many legs as a spider