Androxene em and and through that they can then connect over a period of time and then build the structure that you want right so out of it came a company this company was called organovo for gas started this company around 2007 or so and they came up with this bioprinter called novo gen by a printer and this printer starts by printing these dishes per odds in whatever form and these varieties merge with each other and in order to create hollow tubes they use agarose as a sacrificial material so that was then dissolved away you can wash away the agarose by slightly elevating the temperature and and then you can create tube-like structures or other structures so organovo now makes well plates where you can you can have these tissue type structures and then you can perform drug testing and so on so forth there were also other attempts to do this so one way was to use micro fabrication technology which is prevalent in the electronic industry in order to create patterns in gel like material so this is by Abraham stroke in University of Pennsylvania where he created these channel like structures using a process called photolithography which uses light in order to define structures and patterns in a material called photoresist so you can create a mold and then you can cast gels on top of the moles in order to create these three-dimensional structures or two-dimensional channel type structures and then you can merge another flat layer to it in order to then create perfusion networks in a thick layer of gel so this was mainly done in a gross and the reason for that is because then agarose you can basically melt and reform and melt