When One Door Closes - Open the Next Door

The first story can be summarized by, "In the beginning was the word". * Individualogist Review This is the story where everything is perfect, created by a thought, and spoken by one power called God. In this story, there is only good because good is the principle of God's nature and what is called man, is the compound idea of all that God created.

The second story begins with, "But there went a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground."** And so begins the drama of the life that we lead today. It's a reality show. In this story, everything must struggle and strive to live, and nothing is perfect.

The plot of the second story is that God, and therefore we, know both good and evil. This lie is father of all lies, and told by the one liar. *** The outcome of accepting this lie is division and separation. It produces fear, and its children are called jealously, greed, anger, violence, and depression.
