Vital Keto Diet France Reviews – Must Read Vital Keto Diet Benefits

Vital Keto when you go into a real red light therapy this thing is like really really big it does your whole body like 360 here whole body if obviously this is just a portable one one for your home so you can't add you like spot treatments I've been doing just shirt off getting my chest getting my face sitting here in front of it like so drinking my cup of coffee and I set a timer on here sighs you guys saw there's a timer you can do 10 5 15 20 minutes it doesn't hurt it's not hot it's not producing the heat now yesterday I did try it a little bit differently I kind of doing it like spot rate I did all my legs yesterday because I I am gonna train legs this week so I want to see maybe if it will help with recovery maybe just put it on my quads my gluteus Vital Keto Diet maximus and see if that will help but this is pretty much red light therapy guys I'm agin tons of questions I've been posting it on my Instagram if you're not follow me on instagram boom the fall madness again right there and a lot people yo what are you doing what is that I'm seeing a lot more people doing that so same here I've been seeing a lot more people doing this as well so hey like I say whether it's keto whether it's YouTube whether it's whatever the only way to find out if something works for you is to try yourself instead of me saying oh red light there he's a joke that's a bunch of crap like all these people are full of it no I would never say that I've never tried this so here I am giving it a try like I said this is day