too many horses died ???


Staff member
The colonel took a round of checks but did not see any soldiers in the camp. A moment later, a soldier rushed over, panting and saying:

- Sorry sir! Let me explain, I had an appointment but got a little late, I ran to the bus station but I did not catch up, I rented a taxi but got broken in the middle of the road, then I found a farm and bought a horse but ran for a while it died, I had to run for 10 miles and finally came here.

The colonel looked skeptical but knew nothing could be done and let him go. After a while, eight more soldiers appeared in front of him, asking them why they were late. And they speak like the first soldier:

- Sorry sir! Let us explain, I had an appointment but was late ... I had to run for 10 miles and finally came here.

The colonel looked at them suspiciously but still let them go. At this moment the 9th soldier rushed to the sweaty person.

- Sorry sir! Let me explain, I had an appointment but got a little late, I ran to the bus station but, in time, I hired a taxi but ...

- Let me guess, Colonel interrupted: The car broke down, didn't it?

- No, the soldier said: There are too many dead horses along the way, it takes a lot of time to get past them.
