Tokyo Medical University 'changed female exam scores'


Staff member
Imagine how many girls could have been ashamed because they thought they were not good enough, and maybe they even tried to prove someone wrong and then heard, "See? I told you so, it's not for girls." Just because an official tampered with their tests...

Those women may have even started doubting about their own skills and worth. It’s really a messed up scenario.

Just totally, utterly disgusting!!! ... my daughter dreams to be a doctor and study medicine since she was 8!! I couldn’t imagine what it could have done to her if all her efforts were useless just because of discrimination!
😞sad world.

Tokyo Medical University 'changed female exam scores'.JPG

The university is accused of tampering with scores to cut female student numbers.

Absolutely disgraceful. Japan will continue to struggle with recession AND low birth rates— among two of its greatest issues of the day!— if it cannot accept that women want to pursue multiple roles in life.

L J de Gara when you realize how much their society revolves around patriarchy and xenophobia, you'd understand why they make such outdated decisions. Like you said, it's an aging population. The young people I knew there are still fairly open minded, it's just that they don't have a voice because of the (relatively) oppressive culture. Change will come to Japan... Just not anytime soon.

Terrible! All because the school thinks the women may decide later to not work in medicine? Really? I guess male doctors never change their mind about working in medicine. Sexism is real.

Ahhh how mean and chauvinistic, scared men.

This mysogyny is only being exposed because of social media.

I know plenty of female doctors, and I’ve never known one to stop practicing simply because she’s had children. I’ve known many who have turned to GP instead of Hospital work, or taken on Clinical work, to get hours more child friendly.
Taking a few weeks, months, or even a couple of years to start a family doesn’t mean a woman doctor permanently retires, any more than it means a nurse is written off because she has children.

Ladies, draw your katanas and go at them!!!