The Two Traditions of Medicine

Mental illness and craving, half-dreaming wellness; a sense of Advanced Adaptogen Complex Review spiritual, emotional and physical well-being is an eternal battle; you are locked into it mentally with no viable exit out. No matter how long, how hard you hate yourself, you punish yourself, you loathe yourself, you push against this daily struggle, this trauma, hoping against hope that it will finally let go of you, you live and you learn to let go of working so hard to keep a pretense up.

The plain truth is this, if you don't let go of 'it', it the humiliations that burned you, what you said, how you said it, what you didn't say, in that few precious moments when you still had the time to take that hurtful accusation that came out of nowhere, from you, yes, you; you will go insane and it's not that much of a struggle, if you're halfway there already. Half-drowning, flailing like a bird with a broken wing, mourning the life you once you knew you had, when you were perfect and not sick. Not getting out of bed, not eating, pulling the covers over your head when the sight of afternoon light hit your head, not taking care of yourself, of your home, of your family.

Doing ordinary chores that once made you feel human and grounded in reality like working in the garden, for God's sake watering plants is me feeling normal again, going swimming, for a walk on the beach. Stroking a pet's fur, washing the dishes, cooking a meal, doing activities that gave a more novel meaning to your life, sharing secrets, conspiring vengeance upon the enemy that is mental illness. Feeling normal is the ancient darkness of despair, the gut-wrenching, explosive volcano of the paranoia of mania that only settled when you got your rest and when they stuck the needle painlessly in. I mean (you're so high, you can hardly feel a thing), and perhaps here, I am talking in secret code to those who would know that part best; when sleep becomes your best friend, your only friend when you're knocked out stone cold. It's a magical alliance with no flurry, detailed illusions. You're finally dead to the world, almost as if in a coma. Your skin oh so pale and beautiful.