Thailand vegetarian festival: Swords and other objects used in face-piercing


Staff member
The human capacity to be a bit of a twit never ceases to amaze me. Like any God is going to be impressed by someone sticking a wrench through their cheek! Believing it's possible to expunge the sins of your community by piercing yourself with a coffee pot is just ridiculous. It would take way more pain than that to atone for all the sinners around.

Thailand vegetarian festival Swords and other objects used in face-piercing.JPG

This is what happens when you don't have Netflix. Be warned. *nods sagely*.

As long as its voluntary I don't see what the issue is... not my body not my business.
I live in Penang, not far from the Thai border. The nine Emperor festival is practised here, in fact into the fourth day now. The participants here don't go to the same degree, but they do pierce their cheeks with swords etc,. My wife and I do have a vegetarian during the nine days, a good opportunity for a cleanse but not the other stuff!!!