Texas Republicans apologise to Indians for 'offensive' Hindu ad


Staff member
Whether Hindus are offended or not, Bravo to them. They aren’t killing people because of a picture.

I guess they are so proud of turning Jesus into a blue-eyed, hate-spreading, gun-toting, flag-waving republican that they thought Hindus would fall for the same scam.

As a member of the Comment Reading Association (CRA), I’m only here to read comments. Please keep the comments short and simple. We do appreciate your typing effort. Also please watch your spelling. Thank you .

So weird that the Reps would do something like this; they are so widely known for the sensitiveness to people who don't think like them.

I'm not offended at all, I'm just wondering what they were thinking.

"I'm a Hindu and I'm so offended that they used our God to ask for votes, not that politicians here in India don't do that but you know, it's trendy to get offended these days."

Never expected anything better from the GOP. This is who they are & have been for a few decades at least. If you aren't white, Christian & male, then you are beneath them. Republicans are so wrapped up in their egos they don't even see their own b.s. anymore. All kinds of f'd up.

Another brilliant republican strategy. What idiots.

I am the reincarnation of VISHNU!
Look upon me and tremble with fear.......

Lords can't be offended....by humans....But they should respect if some have any objection to it ...its religion after all.

And things like this are part of why I am glad I am a Libertarian Party member and not a Republican. Whenever Republicans do something like this, I do not have to worry about being associated.

Offensive publication that demonstrates the lack of respect and sheer cultural bankruptcy and isolation of these people when communicating and developing their 'campaigns and policies'.

Good, be offended. Everybody is offended by everything these days, just leave them to be butthurt all on their own.

I'm not offended? Lol. I was responding to some guy but he deleted his comment. If you want to offend me, it's near on impossible because I genuinely do not care for humans and what they think.

More blithering buffoonery from this bunch of Trump supporting Americans.

Democrats are quick to run a counter ad pointing out that they have a crucifix in the word Democrat...
Edit : this is deeply sarcastic.

Can u post some good, fun News? While I do love a good story about the administration’s failings, I feel like every story is bashing America. Believe me I am embarrassed enough, but it would be nice to see some of the good stuff too.

Do not perpetuate blasphemy laws. Satire is not a hate crime. Religion is an open subject that should be ridiculed and made fun of at every chance.

No one thought 'this could go wrong'?

The funny thing is, Indian Americans are too intelligent, self made and successful to need this to be turned into a political debate. They don't need the Democrats using this to woo them.

Well.. we indians get offended to every single things nowadays. It's ok I guess.

I thank God/Ganesh/Yahweh/Allah, that I live in England!!

Culturally and literally clueless. Time to get rid of old white men (of which I am one). Vote blue!

He broke his tooth while dancing with excitement because he was allowed to write down Mahabharata while byasdev would narrate it...
Apart from that... Nothing was relivent and I really don't see why they are offended by that infact they described the significance of everypart of his body....
Oh I see now.

Texas Republicans apologise to Indians for 'offensive' Hindu ad.JPG

Is this white people veing offended for people who actually arent offended at all?

They're not celebrating Hinduism they are using a god to promote their political party that's why they got in trouble.

All they needed to do was a little research... they could have maybe met with A Hindu or two.... picked up a book...

More offence fabricated from nothing.


as an indian born to a Hindu family, I really don't see how this is offensive. Ganesha is indeed an elephant. The people who are offended by this probably are just motivated by an anti-GOP bias.

Stick with Buddy Christ, ‘pubs.

I'm sure the guy that thought it was offensive prays to a donkey every day.