Taylor Swift breaks political silence in favour of Democrats


Staff member
it is hysterical to see all the triggered trump supporters commenting on this post. they know they're wrong and they can't handle it when anyone calls them out. sad.

Dawn Louise slow down on all that edge before you cut yourself.
And for your information I'm a centrist. When did I say she doesn't have a right to voice her opinion? You're really clutching here are it's quite embarrassing. "I know things you don't and I'm not sharing them here". A fancy way of blowing smoke up your own bottom whilst simultaneously letting us know you have nothing to say. What's your plans then? You lost Hilary and the supreme court. Maybe the political acumen of pop/movie stars doesn't butter the bread after all.

She actually took time off from chasing men,did she?

I wouldn’t think she has to do any chasing Glenda with her being so beautiful and talented you get what I’m saying here Glenda don’t ya.

I am just sitting here waiting for people to burn her CDs and merch now... watching their money go up in flames...

I like Taylor Swift, but don't really care about her political views. But, she's entitled to her opinion.

Everybody is responsible for the free statements they make, and for defending their assertions. That said , someone doesn't give up their right of free expression in a democracy by virtue of being famous. Someone's assertions aren't right or wrong by virtue of being young and famous.

Wow brilliant I have been wondering for weeks about this now I can sleep at night.

Why does anyone from either side off the aisle care what she (or any celebrity) thinks?

Because celebrity endorsements worked so well for Hilary.

Thank you for sharing pointless information my day will be full of joy knowing this.

Who cares?

I was just wondering to myself, but what would Taylor Swift do? Lol .

“We all have gods, Martin Luther said, it is just a question of which ones. And in American society our gods are celebrities. Religious belief and practice are commonly transferred to the adoration of celebrities. Our culture builds temples to celebrities the way the Romans did for divine emperors, ancestors, and household gods. We are a de facto polytheistic society. We engage in the same kind of primitive beliefs as older polytheistic cultures. In celebrity culture, the object is to get as close as possible to the celebrity. Relics of celebrities are coveted as magical talismans. Those who can touch the celebrity or own a relic of the celebrity hope for a transference of celebrity power. They hope for magic.”

These comments are a sad demonstration of the lack of reading comprehension in America.... She didn’t endorse any party. She said she’d be voting for candidates that will protect and fight for human rights.

Oh wow. Now I may rethink every vote I’ve ever cast. That’s it- she’ll be the one celeb who changes my opinions.

Well....hey......if a celebrity has an opinion.......I guess it must be more valuable than any other person's opinion.

What is super cool is that I can make Taylors wishes come true by revealing that women do indeed have equal pay. Its illegal to pay someone less based on their sex. You are welcome!

She’s still alive and relevant? I definitely thought she died last year.

Comments like this are old and tired, and indicate the exact opposite of what you intended.

I am proud of you for speaking out . The American women time has come for women to protect our selfs and speak out and show our voting power . Our bodies are ours . Vote out the ones who think it is OK to do what they want to Our Bodies.

Taylor Swift breaks political silence in favour of Democrats.JPG

You want to protect your, daughters,sisters, mothers all the time. Well you can't always be there,but the laws and politicians that make the law will.Best way to protect is to vote blue...

I love reading these comments. People read "Democrat" and that's the end of the story for them. The Democrat Taylor Swift endorses voted yes on Kavanaugh. Some Republicans voted no. Get to know your politicians a little better than the one letter in parenthesis next to their name.

She's on the right side of history. The right side of humanity. As for the other one...maybe the Mrs. can have a designer 'straight jacket' made for him. Talent vs no talent. Smart as a whip vs dumber than a stick.

Good for her. Nothing wrong with letting people know your viewpoint or opinion. Without civil discourse and discussion the US has grown into a political battlefield of accusations, lies, and tribalism. It's not good for democracy or society not to talk and share ideas and beliefs.

The election that put trump in power was a sham. The voting machines were rigged by Russian hackers. The most obvious proof is that on any Trump post the comments against him are at least ten times more than the comments in his favor. This is why he has to keep doing these ridiculous rallies where he has some supporters. He’s trying his hardest to make America think he has lots of support. In reality it’s not even 30%.