Revealed - 5 Authentic Steps to Increase Your E-Book Writing

Here's the bottom line: you can make a lot of money in the Sqribble eBook publishing business. The reason you can make a lot of money in this business is because the profit margins are extremely high. The only other industry that I can think of with margins this good would be the software publishing industry. Worried that competition will shrink profit margins? Don't hold your breath -- I've yet to see that happen and I do this full time.

Technically speaking, an electronic book (or eBook for short) is any digital document file that contains the very same texts of the traditional book counterpart. This digital file is also called a softcopy. The popular formats for this are doc, pdf, txt and html. It can be viewed or read in your desktop, laptop, mobile phones or other handheld gadgets. You can choose from many programs made specifically to open these files depending on the file extension.

Many people prefer the traditional way of reading a book. They love to smell the pages, the sight of creased spines and dog-ear marks that signify how old or used a book has been. However, as the age of technology slowly creeps in, we are presented with a new way of reading books. Many people have slowly turned to ebooks because of the several advantages attached to it.