Record fentanyl bust on US-Mexico border used as ammunition in Wall battle


Staff member
Ah, so it was at a LEGAL checkpoint.. and the border security worked as it should?

Good to know. Some people were saying there was an emergency.

In a truck full of cucumbers at a legal port of entry. Obviously, Mr. Trump, banning cucumbers would fix this.

You left out some important folks who help keep us all are out feeding livestock, mending fences, making sure machinery is working. Thank a farmer.

This is fun too: Try taking the dog out to do her business and get back inside in less than five minutes, because it’s 53 degrees below zero. It’s been an interesting 48 hours in Northwest Ohio.
**Nearly all “outdoor” employees, including postal workers, had these 48 hours off
**We have a wonderful local org that assists the homeless, they did a “count” on Tuesday and ALL homeless were in shelters, none were left outdoors (very heartwarming, eh?).

In a truck. At the stop. Not crossing the desert. Interesting. Truly.

Huh. How about that? It was LAW ENFORCEMENT BY HUMAN BEINGS that stopped this record drug incursion.
NOT a wall.
Its almost like the whole wall argument is pointless, huh?

So you’re saying... a wall didn’t stop this, but enforcement did...

Sounds just right.

I’m sorry to have to say that I do wonder if this was a deliberate plant set up by you know who to prove a point. It seems a huge amount to try to smuggle at one time through a legal point of entry. And it is at the time of “ negotiations “ re the wall! Maybe tomorrow there will be cars with duct taped women in back seats coming through the legal entry sites, just so he can say he was right!😱 Smells a bit fishy to me! Just saying!

Isn't it funny how this happened right now? False flag?

No wall involved...Guess there's a better place to invest. Who'da thought?

This truck arrived through a legal point of entry. Sounds like more funding for technology, employees, drug niffing k9s are needed.

at official border crossing
wall wouldnt have made a difference.

Record bust? Sure it was ... 😏
And at a legal checkpoint? Bonus!
Things are working as they should.

Ahhh yes. So glad they caught it. But that’s how the majority of drugs are coming in: in tractor trailers at checkpoints, not through anywhere that a wall could keep them out.

But the caravan, the caravan, emergency, emergency!

Congrats on finding one shipment. For every one they find at a legal point of entry at least 10 more shipments this size make it through undetected. And just as many go over the border where no security is present in which a wall would make it more difficult to transport the drugs into the states.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump set this bust up so he would make people think that we need more security at the border. If your bringing that much into the states...why would you go thru a guarded check point...sounds pretty fishy to me.

Legal checkpoint. Existing security doing its thing and stuff... imagine that.

A wall, border deterrent is needed so our agents can concentrate on border crossings. As of now they are spread too thin all along the border! Another one of those "record" amounts busted since Trump's "wall crisis". I expect these to increase as Trump's wall funding is denied. Am I saying the Trump regime staged this, yes that is exactly what I am saying.

Record fentanyl bust on US-Mexico border used as ammunition in Wall battle.jpg

All the fentanyl that gets in through our ports and airports from China because we don't have enough inspectors probably is quadruple this amount...but please build the wall because it will stop this (not).

How convenient at this precise time!

Was this found next to the prayer rug and women duct taped or through a bust at a checkpoint?

If only we had a wall to prevent that...oh, wait.

If smugglers are attempting this at a port of entry, then no way are they trying to cross into the US at the many unimpeded, unprotected points along the border...

Wow. The biggest in history. Right before the SOTU address. What are the chances?

Can’t wait for this to be used as propaganda for State of the Union to justify national emergency.

Walls don't help in a situation like this.