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Provia Max putting the pump completely inside the scrotum and we're fixing it in place so it doesn't move to a place where it's difficult to manage once I have this suture tied down the pumps gonna stay fixed there and once we close the scan in the layers you'll never know that this guy has an implant unless you know he tells you he has one partners of patients who single men who get these devices they don't know they have them until they informed them or they get suspicious after they maintain the erection for a very long time because the device stays hard as long as you leave fluid in the cylinders and then it becomes flaccid as soon as you hit the release button and the fluid is released so this is the dart toast muscle layer of the scrotum which we took down initially with that electric cautery and we also you call this a gathering stitch or a star stitch what this does is it really puts a nice layer of protection between the device and the external environment we want to have as many layers between us and the device to keep the bacteria away an