Post-Traumatic Stress and Its Impact on Behavior

Intensive therapy following this type of injury, according to some Memory Hack Review studies, is important towards achieving successful rehabilitation. Sadly, in many communities there are few resources available for brain injured survivors. In some cases unfortunately, the injured person is reluctant to participate in programs that would assist him/her in recovery. Frontal lobe injuries change the brain injured survivor's life; in most cases forever. This will be more evident in some people than in others because no two brain injuries are the same.

Sylvia Behnish has published her first non-fiction novel entitled "Rollercoaster Ride With Brain Injury (For Loved Ones)" which tells of their journey along the path of progress during the year following her partner's brain injury. Her first fiction book entitled "His Sins", a three generation family saga, is due out soon. She has also had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines in both Canada and the United States.

Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia, consisting of an irreversible degenerative brain disease which involves a progressive and constant deterioration on the mental capacity of the patient. Although this disease is well known for causing a gradual loss of memory on the patient, as it progresses, it also provokes a worsening on other cognitive capabilities.