Passion is Subjective

This false Christian life and experience revolves within the church only. Manifestation Code System Review Outside the church you are useless to the countless millions Christ died for. This is not knowing and doing the will of God. This is fulfilling purposes of each church leadership. How can we practice knowing and doing the will of God in a fellowship? We need to forget our traditional non- biblical church concepts. In the recent twenty years even the evangelical community has slowly become secular. They have let it become center of humanistic teaching and evolved into more a secular and cool place to gather. This is not a knowing and doing the will of God experience.

It lost its place as a bride of Christ and has become more and more a social gathering in the name of God without God present. We have introduced the worldly values to float around and settle down slowly in our pulpits and ministry agendas through church programs and themes. Watch out! But if you practice knowing and doing the will of God by mediating and soaking yourself in the word of God you will get back to basics of the Bible. The effectiveness of prayer is clearly established. Numerous studies demonstrate that healing prayers can be a major contributor to recovery. Similarly, prayer promotes both physical health and emotional well being in those who pray regularly.

Anyone who meditates or prays will tell you that the benefit is direct and immediate: it feels good. We feel the benefit of prayers for peace with an immediate sense of peace and well being. Within each of us there is a well of love, contentment and joy there for the tapping anytime we choose to quiet ourselves and touch it mentally. Some call this "God," others call it our center, or soul or spirit. Whatever you call it, the experience cuts across all religions and traditions. Deep within each of us is a pool of peace, calm and joy. Deep prayer and meditation can help us find and develop our connection with this deepest part of each of us.