Pakistan court upholds Aasia Bibi's blasphemy acquittal


Staff member
What's next? People being imprisoned for insulting Gandalf and Donald Duck? Guys, it's just fiction.

Abdulrhman Mohammed but it took 8 years of her life? Seriously ? That's progressive?

Religion of peace indeed.

Islam is best religion in the world, it is not as its conceived by non Muslims, problems in Muslims are doesn't mean that something is wrong with religion.

Welcome to 21st century Pakistan.

So people of a different faith who touch your water bucket make it unclean?? Tribal ridiculousness and an example of the stupidity of humanity.

Well done Pakistani Supreme Court.

Peacefuls got triggered.

Religion of peace ,
Can’t even share ur opinion.

God bless your peaceful religion.

The religion of love strikes again...

Peaceful religious is at it again, Christians is the peaceful one.

This is what happens when you combine brute power with stupidity.

People that practice Islam has hot blood, come to jesus and u will be save.

Allow her to leave that country.

This is NOT about Islam. This is Pakistani CULTURE. Reprehensible.

She will face God in ressurection day & will judge her for what she did...the law of God is different than what humans established.

Just because she dont agree with the author of the book??????seriously ?????

Blasphemy is perpetuated by all those who teach religious myths to their children.

Pakistan court upholds Aasia Bibi's blasphemy acquittal.jpg

Well done Pakistan.

Still 8 years of her life gone !!?

Canada would be glad to give her asylum.

Reminds me of Monty Python......... if you said Jehovah......

Fabulous.All she did was collect a Drink of water for her Work colleagues and Had a Sip herself and she was set upon beaten Abused and Imprisoned for 9 yrs for Blasphemy.

Thanks be to God. You have lived to prove your faith through suffering and imprisonment....go free with true joy in your wisened heart.